tahlia’s tips

Let's talk skin in our 30’s with dermal therapist Tahlia

Enough with, I don’t know who needs to hear this…let me tell you, Everyone needs to hear this. Because guess what, one day you’ll be in your thirties, you’re already in your thirties, or your kids are in their thirties.  There’s no time like the present to start taking care of your skin and if you’re reading this, chances are you don’t need a complete overhaul…just a few tweakments!

30's are tough, because you’re at a really turning point. You still get the odd pimple, collagen loss is real and sun damage from yesterday is slowly creeping in.  Targeting these concerns may feel overwhelming, but I promise with some minor adjustments your skin will thank you when you hit your 40s!Fine lines, capillaries, uneven pigmentation, larger pores and some volume loss. It's not all bad news though...good skin care, a few regular treatments and sun protection can really slow this process and correct previous damage.


I am a true believer in prevention when it comes to having healthy radiant skin. If you have invested in your skin in your 30’s – I promise you will see the rewards of this in your 40’s, 50’s and beyond!


So tip number 1

You've heard it before, but remember the best anti ageing product is sunscreen and sun protection. Wearing a broad-spectrum high SPF everyday will not only prevent sun damage but also reverse it!

To be more specific the direct effects of sun-damage include (but are not limited to)

  • thinning of the epidermis (top layer of skin) - this gives skin a crepey appearance and means it can't hold hydration as well, leading to dry dull looking skin

  • increased loss of collagen and elastin  - this results in less structural support  for the overlying skin - enlarged pores

  • increased pigmentation and sunspots

Tip Number 2

Coming in a very close second when it comes to anti-aging is Vitamin A, retinol or retinoid. The beneficial effects on the skin are endless and aside from sunscreen, they are the best tried and tested ingredient for tackling textural issued of the skin and making fine lines, wrinkles, and pores less visible, increasing collagen production, tightening pores, and decreasing sundamage.

Take home message

  • If you're not already using a Retinol - it's time to start!

Tip number 3 

You're protecting from the sun, improving skin cell turnover with retinol, now let's hydrate. Hydrated skin is essential for a plump, healthy epidermis. As we age, we lose water via our skin (this is called trans-epidermal water loss - TEWL) and not only will this make your skin look a bit 'thirsty' but it will also make you more susceptible to irritant dermatitis, sensitive skin and rosacea.  Not to mention fine lines become more obvious and make up sits badly. Improve skin hydration by  investing in  a serum with Hyaluronic Acid, and never forgot to apply your moisturiser!


Moving on from skin care (although I could talk about it endlessly) - Less is More

What I mean by this;  heavy foundation and the application of too many products tends to sit in your lines and creases making the skin look more dehydrated and dull, alternatively it will clog your pores leading to breakouts. Keep your skin clean and hydrated by layering hyaluronic or antioxidant serum in the AM paired with a tinted SPF.


Favourite low down time with maximum benefit treatments for 30-somethings

  • BBL Forever Young - 2 treatments a year to maintain optimal skin health, collagen stimulation and correct pigmentation

  • Chemical Peel with Laser Genesis - regular chemical peels and Laser genesis has so many benefits. It reducesredness and veins, really making you glow. It's also great for collagen stimulation to help smooth skin and minimise the look of fine lines.

If  you want to more, come and see me in clinic and let's start your skin journey! Book online via Healthengine


prejuvenate…so you don’t need rejuvenate.


skin minimalism.